
Boccia (a kind of adapted Curling)
Boccia is a precision ball sport, similar to bocce, and related to bowls and pétanque. The name Boccia is derived from the Latin word for boss – bottia. The sport is contested at local, national and international levels, by athletes with more severe physical disabilities.
Watch a video here:

Nemean Game Revival
The Society for the Revival of the Nemean Games is a movement born from nearly 40 years of excavation by the University of California at Berkeley in the Sanctuary of Zeus at Nemea, Greece. It was at Nemea that the ancient Greeks celebrated athletic and religious festivals that were part of the cycle of games at Delphi, Isthmia, and (best known today) Olympia.

Traditional Dances for All!
The Greek associatin TYRTAIOS organises free time activities for person with disabilities. One of them is traditional Greek dances with mixed group, able and disabled.
Watch here the video of a Chasapiko-Sirtaki dance show.